Introduction to Course

Welcome to Strategies for Dealing with the Stress in Your Life!

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the course.

1.  Put Things Into Practice.

As you work through the course, remember that results come when you put things into practice. Be specific in planning how you'll implement a particular strategy, and observe the impact in your life. In many cases, you'll notice a difference surprisingly quickly! And you'll continue to experience further benefits over time.

2.  Download Content.

Each week's strategy + action exercise, and the course handouts, are all provided as downloadable PDF files.  To download any of these files: scroll down to where you see "Download" and the name of the file directly beneath the file on the left. Click on the file name to download.

Note: some of the action exercises provide space to be filled in, but the file must first be downloaded/opened in PDF format before you can type into it.

3.  Go At Your Own Pace.

Don't feel obligated to follow the 6-week schedule. Go at your own pace; speed up or slow down as you see fit. Feel free to focus on the areas that stand out for you personally.

Enjoy the course!


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